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Best Air Conditioning for your bedroom

July 12, 2022 Katie

So many options to choose from and so little time - quite literally.

Sweltering in the temperatures of the current UK heatwave, Brits are already complaining on day two - or should I say night two. It's the nights where we really feel the discomfort of the heat and are desperate for an icy breeze to reach our full 8 hours sleep - or thereabouts. Personally, I'm not one for the irritating noises that a simple pedestal fan creates - my mild misophonia gets the better of me and I'm almost prepared to be totally uncomfortable for the peace and quiet. Every year it is the same... "I really ought to invest in some decent air conditioning". Well, hello portable air conditioning units - Game-changer!

Fans simply circulate already-warm air whereas these appliances remove the hot, humid air from a room and blast an icy breeze around instead. This is ideal in a stuffy office, if you just can’t sleep when the nights turn balmy or if you have a conservatory where intense heat builds easily.

Haverland IGLU 7 & 9 - amazing value and an ideal cooling solution with 3 different operating modes; air conditioner, dehumidifier and fan.

Prem-i-Air Portable Air Conditioner with remote - sleek design and available in 4 sizes for larger rooms and offices.

Are portable air conditioners worth it? Ask our trusted customers.

Make life easier with the best portable air conditioning units. Offering free delivery - order now to ensure that you keep your cool this summer.

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